Don’t Be A Tool: Use The Best Crypto Tools To Stay On Top

Nominex Ecosystem
7 min readNov 17, 2020

Trading is famously complicated, at least that’s what 99% of users think. This makes us deeply sad. What is more interesting than new technologies, collaboration, and forensic investigations into hacks, big money, and cloak and dagger stories like that of Satoshi? Trading is exciting, but trading crypto is a whole new level, like upgrading from BMW to a plane. But wait, there are so many buttons in the cockpit, users say. Trust us, it’s worth it.

Nominex makes its life’s ambition to make trading uncomplicated, profitable, full of the best crypto tools available, and ideally as exciting as playing Just Cause 4 or Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon (insert favorite genre here).

Nominex is built in an entire new fashion, basing all of its features on user feedback. You’ll find a lot of ways of making money in parallel on this platform, our support is beyond reproach, and registering (with no KYC) allows you to get gone in 60 seconds. We did everything we possibly could to make your life nothing short of amazing. And we have every bit of evidence you need to prove it.

But more than anything we want to change the world for the better by making Satoshi’s legacy available to everyone. And the biggest obstacle on the way to giving everyone financial freedom is making trading simple, sassy, and effortless. While you’ll get all the sass you ever need from this blog and effortless will come with practice, simplicity is something not usually associated with trading and crypto mining tools. When it comes to charting and research tools most people just give up (I just wanted to buy low, sell high, thanks but no thanks!).

The first thing you will pretty much always see if you’re registering at an exchange for the first time is a sea of indicators, waves bidding you and asking you for something incessantly or whatever, open source something (that looks completely closed to you), numbers rolling so fast no human eye could possibly keep up with them, and lots and lots (and lots) of infuriatingly stupid jargon.

As part of our journey (we hope you’ve been with us a while) we’ve done our best to uncomplicate the slang, explain parabolic curves, and some of the more complex types of waves, familiarize you with indicators and even introduced you to the concept of risk management.

If you’re familiar with all the stuff we’ve described before (the article about risk in trading should definitely be your first port of call), we want to continue making things even simpler and more fun for you (and us) by introducing a few crypto trading tools that will massively uncomplicate everything for you.

Finding these are a lot like finding your true love. Some people search their whole life for these. Some find them, and the feeling isn’t mutual. Very lucky few find what they seek and never let go. Our advice? When you’ve acquired these, hold on to them. They’re definitely worth it. Cryptocurrency investigation tools are invaluable if you use them right.

So, let’s go over the list of crypto tools that will turn you from zero to hero, and in case you’re a hero already into a true master.

Crypto Tools Online And Offline: Hardware Wallets

Before you start seriously trading, make sure you secure your funds properly. These hardware gadgets come strongly recommended by security experts and provide a massive improvement to your protection. They are pretty much a must for traders who want to start in serious volume.

Remember! Buy from official vendors (Craigslist is a no-no), pick them up from the store to avoid supply attacks, wherein your device gets swapped for one infected with a virus before it gets delivered, and try not to drop more than 1 into the loo.

A hardware wallet provides serious protection not only by storing your assets in a separate mini-safe vault that is extremely difficult to get into but also by adding levels and levels of more complex protection.

If someone threatens you at gunpoint, you can quote the wrong password which will fool thу criminal into thinking there’s hardly any crypto in your wallet.

You can hide these anywhere and even have a subdermal wallet implanted in your thigh to avoid letting anyone know what’s up.

Not to be confused with prison wallets (completely different but probably worth Googling because you never know where life will take you).

Crypto Tools For Windows: CoinMarketCal

Bitcoin is not the only coin out there. Probably 256 times more secure, it’s still lacking certain features that by definition are inherent t crypto and present in other system like Ethereum: encryption & cryptography based around flexibility and smart contracts and creation of one’s own programs, governance tools developed by EOS, and implementation of new systems that allow fast transactions and scalability. By no means is Bitcoin finished either: yoг definitely want to keep watching other projects too.

This tool is decidedly one of the best free services out there that will keep you in sync with everything that’s happening. By going to this address you can keep track of the best and most exciting events in the crypto world. Asia Blockchain Summit? Grin Mainnet Update? VWV airdrop? You’ll know about the most awesome events when they happen, as they happen. Never miss anything again with this beautiful tool.

Crypto Monitoring Tools: CryptoMiso

Also an important tool in case you’re invested and want to keep tabs on your latest passions. allows you to place your metaphorical finger on the pulse of your chosen project. Put it to good use!

Crypto Trading Tools: Coinmarketcap

Definitely the best place to go for information about coins and exchanges, Coinmarketcap is a legendary resource where you can find all the standard information like price graphs over time, capitalization, source codes, website addresses, and so on — but also lesser-known facts for your dinner table discussions like Bitcoin’s 6 693,55% ROI, all-time highs, nuances of handling, and additional tools. Just kidding, no-one wants to talk about Bitcoin at dinner tables (which never stopped us anyway).

Crypto Analytics Tools: Bots

Now, this is one of the most spectacular features out there — trading is as simple as just sleeping while your trading bot does all the work for you. In theory.

In practice., however, you have to be really careful with these and only trade using a small percentage of your capital, as we advised in previous articles.

Bots are a fantastic idea. They’re incredibly fast, always keep their cool, unlike humans, and are able to access data from exchanges around the world if we’re talking crypto arbitrage tools or whatever. But Judgement Day is not coming yet: it’s extremely difficult to find a bot that will get you consistent profits simply because trading is about predicting future outcomes using past results, which basically means you’re more or less guessing (although very educatedly).

Bots have a much better chance of getting your bets right, but in the end, they too are only guessing where the trend is going. Think about this: if someone wrote a bot that actually netted profits, why would they sell it to you? Nominex allows hooking up bots through its API (nothing should be impossible) but be careful!

Choosing The Right Exchange

When it comes to blockchain analysis tools, there’s no more important decision to be made than choosing the right exchange. A perfect example would be Binance, which gathered more tools under its umbrella than probably every other exchange out there combined. If it weren’t for the recent hack, we’d strongly recommend making the best decision, tool-wise, you possibly can, by joining them.

However! Nominex provides an outstanding service also but in parallel fixing what was wrong by providing unrivalled security from Estonia, the world’s most cryptographically secure place.

Nominex’s affiliate program also has unlimited levels, which no-one else has (we checked), and we’re constantly working on introducing more and more amazing features that will entice tech-savvy users like you to join.

Check out this article about more bonuses and, if you haven’t already, familiarized yourself with the best tools gathered under one roof under Nominex’s massive but anything but threatening wing here.

If you have any questions, our support will be thrilled to help. Ciao!

Psss… To learn more about crypto tools, visit



Nominex Ecosystem

Nominex is a new CeDeFi ecosystem consisting from CEX and DEX Nomiswap platforms